Dealer’s Life updated: version B:0.41

Hi everybody!
We just released another big update with the sum of all our work during those holidays (apparently, not for us 😛 ).

First of all, don’t forget that in these days you can freely enter our Closed Beta and try the game, all you have to do is submit this form using the email of your Android account.

Now let’s talk about this new Dealer’s Life version!

Women! Our beloved colorful and fashionable counterpart!

Hi, I am Pearl and I want this decorated rocket launcher!

So from now on you will also welcome female customers and, as you can see, they definitively know what they want!

Speaking about appearances, we also introduced two big changes:

  • Physique randomization! Don’t be surprised if you see a very tall and thin man who wants to buy your new military uniform, it’s one size fits all.
  • Better walking animation with a little touch of inclination.


As you can see we also did another polishing run on the main UI: your game information are now in a smaller box on the upper right side of the screen, the options button (now fully implemented!) is integrated on your table on the left side near the notebook, the negotiation controller has one less button which means that you can control the flow of the negotiation with only the price and the “accept” or “refuse” buttons.

We always keep an eye on balance and this time we addressed feedback we received regarding events: we did some major tweaks on events and negative events generation so that in an average game there will be much less impact from them, especially from the most terrible of them.

We also finally implemented the game credits screen to give the right credit to the wonderful creators of Dealer’s Life music and sound effects and to all our friend that have played the very early versions of the game.

We also created a Google+ Community so that users who prefer this social can join and contact us with feedback and ideas while we keep them updated with our news!

So, that’s all for this update, stay tuned and don’t forget to follow and tell us what you think about the game!