Dealer’s Life updated: version B:0.82 – Better Life Adjustments Heaven

Gooood morning to all Dealers out there!

Did you enjoy the great MUU? Yes? No? Well, in any case here we come today with a lovely new update called Better Life Adjustments Heaven or, as we use to call it, the BLAH! Can you guess what’s inside the BLAH? You got it: a lot of love, peace and great gifts for everybody! Since we realized the huge MUU was a bit too harsh we worked on tuning some mechanics here and there to make the overall experience much more enjoyable and less unforgiving!

Let’s firstly talk about the biggest set of adjustments that comes with BLAH: recurring characters! We knew they would have drastically changed the game experience, many of you liked them, some others didn’t and I personally think that’s a normal process in a game that is still in development. Nevertheless our goal is to make a game that everyone can enjoy as much as possible, so we decided to review all encounters developed so far and adjust them to have a smoother flow of plots and make the game harder to lose. As a result mostly all mafia encounters have been rewritten and redesigned, a few more encounters have been added and others have been modified to better fit the overall plot. We introduced some more reward you can get from encounters but most of all we enriched a lot of dialogues with new answers you can get only if you satisfy specific conditions, such as a specific employee, a skill higher than a value or reputation level. That’s right: the higher skills you’ll have, the more chance to get better options in dialogues! You can also use passive employees to increase your skills and get more answers so everybody go for them!
For what concerns reputation… all I will say here is: do not think that if you go criminal you’re losing the game, there are ways to win on both good and bad sides, you just have to find them out!
We are still evaluating the possibility to include a new option to completely remove all encounters but we think that with this update it won’t be necessary. We also think that encounters are a core mechanic in the scheme we have in mind for our game, so we would like to avoid implementing this option if not necessary.

Ok, I’ll try…

Another set of changes introduced by BLAH regards the Expert! This great employee was a bit underrated so we decided to give him a boost not only by giving him a chance to recognize fake items during a quick estimate, but also by drastically increasing his estimating capabilities! Before BLAH the Expert used to make quick estimates based on a certain value of Competence defined by his level of experience which made low-level Experts quite inaccurate in their quick estimates and quite annoying when they often simply cannot give you any quick estimate of the item. With the lovely BLAH now Experts will always make quick estimates based on a fixed, high value of Competence, regardless of their level! The only limit here is the number of times a day you can use his power (which still depends on the Expert’s level). Oh, and keep in mind that a top high Competence could still give a little percentage of failures during quick estimates, especially on high rarity items, that’s why if you want to be 100% sure about an item value and authenticity you’ll have to assign that item to the Expert for a few days to evaluate.

The Expert is now evaluating… coffee!

That’s quite it for the Expert, but stay sure it’s not over yet with him. We still have a couple of nice ideas to increase their power even more, something will surely come in the near future and I must say… this is just the beginning of a big tide of love we want to give to all active employees (Restorer, Expert and Brainwasher) in order to make them a lot more powerful and useful! And this brings us to another big feature introduced by the BLAH…

How many times you desired to have just one more free Restorer to fix that damn item in bad condition before someone comes to buy it as it is (or before you get sick of keeping it locked in your inventory)? Well, from now on all Premium Dealers will get the possibility to hire two employees of the same type between Restorers, Experts and Brainwashers! Since all these employees can only be used a limited number of times a day, hiring more than one employee of a kind will increase the times you can use his power accordingly!

Restorer twins!

Wait, what about Lite players? We absolutely wanted to give some more love to them too, so we decided to listen to your suggestions and remove the video ad on the Brainwasher power! Now it’s free of ads like any other employee ability, definitely a great change for Lite players!

Last but not least, we continued to listen to your suggestions and made a big rebalance of late game item prices to make them more in line on what you would expect in a late game: average prices have been increased and trashy items have been greatly reduced! This will likely lead to a solid growth even at the end of the game!

We really hope you’ll like all these changes!
If you want to know what’s next, you can check our Roadmap but, to tell you in advance one big improvement, well I’ll say just three words: geek items pack!
Stay tuned and keep up the good deals!