Hello and welcome to all Great Dealers out there!
Today we’re back with another great update, the first one after the PC release that you guys made unforgettable thanks to all your fantastic reviews and playthroughs that every day pop up from around the world!
You are so awesome guys, we will never thank you enough for all your love and support! <3
Back to the update, today we released version 1.15 of Dealer’s Life!
V. 1.15
- New Item Pack #9 – Ready to furnish your house? Look for more than 25 brand new items, from TV sets to collectible toasters!
- New animation when examining the rarest items!
- Add estimated price in auction sale result description
- [German] Fix on personality generation text
- [German] Fix on auction sale generated message
- Minor text fixes/changes
In this update you will find a brand new item pack related to houseware and furniture! This time we focused more on houseware and introduced 25+ new items spacing from fridges and dishwashers to lamps and stereo systems!
We really hope you’ll like them all but of course you’ve got to find them so… Let the hunt begin! 😀
Of course we’re not finished with items yet! More of them will come in the following releases and we would love to know what kind of items you would like to see in our game! If you have a great idea about a specific item and you want to share your thoughts with us, come to our Public Roadmap and let us know! We will love to evaluate your suggestions!
Moving on, with this release we also introduced some visual changes on the item’s details screen, adding a little and lovely animation for particularly rare items.
We really would like to give some more love to this section of the game so this is just the first improvement, new enhancements will probably come soon within the following releases.
Let’s now talk about what you suggested! As usual, we care a lot about your feedback and always do our best to evaluate your ideas in order to put them into the game if possible!
This time we considered a smart suggestion from a Great Dealer on our Steam Community and we introduced the estimated price of the item you sold on auction in the “sale auction outcome” window. In this way you’ll have a much clearer idea not only about how much you gained from the auction but also about how the auction went in relation your item’s estimated value.
Any auction could bring a good as well as a bad result: if you sell an item on auction it will always be sold but you really cannot be sure of how much you will make out of it. If you’re lucky you will get a generous bidder that could pay your item much more than its value, but on the other hand you could also end up selling your treasure to a group of greedy bidders that would pay you a lot less.
You can’t really control or predict this behaviour so don’t be so confident when selling your most valuable item on auction!
This update also includes some small fixes on localizations: we took some time to find and correct them in various languages (many thanks for the ones some of you reported!), we hope these will improve the overall experience of your gameplay! If you find any other fix for your language do not hesitate to report them to us and we’ll correct them as soon as possible!
Finally, we would like to announce that we just opened to public our new Beta Test channels both for Steam and iOS users, so anyone can opt-in and try out new content before it will be publicly released!
How can you do it you say? Well, on this card on our Roadmap you’ll find all the info you need to know in order to participate to any of our Beta programs on Google Play, Steam and iOS!
For Steam players we also wrote an handy guide.
That’s all for this update, we really hope you enjoyed the reading! More great news will come soon (anybody said Steam Achievements…?) so stay tuned and keep up the good deals!
Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment