Hello and welcome to all Great Dealers!
First of all, thank you very much for all your comments, reviews and messages!
One thing clearly stood out in your feedback: you want more variety!
With the Encounter Update we will not only introduce new encounters but also new characters and gameplay additions. Here’s a quick overview of some of the new things to come. We will go into more detail once the update launches:
- Quests!
- New characters!
- Branching Encounters!
- New stolen item mechanic!
- Reputation will play a major role now
- World section unlocked: track active effects and quests
We’re super hyped for this feature and we are now in the final stage of testing. Expect the update to arrive shortly after the Steam Summer Sale has ended!
That’s all for today. Let us know what you think in the comments. And if you like the game, please consider writing a review, these can help a lot in spreading the word about Dealer’s Life 2! <3
Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment