Welcome to all Great Dealers around the world!
After many months of hard work spent designing and coding new features and improvements, the time has finally come! It is a great pleasure and honor for us to announce the release of Dealer’s Life 2 on Google Play!

For those of you eager to know what’s new in the game, here’s a detailed list of all the new things Dealer’s Life 2 contains compared to the first one:
- All Dealer’s Life original mechanics and features
- Overall graphics improvement: now, this is a great change
- 20 new avatars: you can choose to be whomever you want! Every avatar has its own skills set so choose wisely
- 700+ items: from yachts to candlesticks, from swords to action figures… you name it, we have it
- Infinite customers: now with improved procedural generation, you’ll encounter countless different customers, each with their own name, characteristics and wonderful appearance
- Pawned items: a pawned item can be paid a fraction of its price and the item’s owner could get it back after a while by settling the loan, but if the owner does not show up you’ve got a nice new item at a very low price
- Stolen items: if you happen to get your hands on a stolen item you’d better sell it real quick if you don’t want troubles with local police
- Fake and replica items: fake items can now be converted into replicas. A replica item is a lot less valuable than a fake item but selling it won’t affect your reputation at all. Will you pay the price to stay clean?
- 100+ new encounters: funny events, strange situations, crazy deals! It’s unlikely you’ll manage to see all of them in a single game
- 11 new special characters: from shady guys to famous collectors, every character will be a surprise!
- Random events: anything can happen but you decide! Every event has choices to take but sometimes a specific skill or employee could really make the difference
- Quests: many kinds of missions and challenges to face
- Overarching story: from the suburbs to the top of the sky, the whole story!
- Reputation based events: keep an eye on your reputation since different things could happen if you’re an honest dealer or a criminal
- Bank: a place where you can ask for loans or invest money
- Item Catalogue: a new section where you can unlock and collect every single item of the game and read interesting anecdotes about real items and collectors
- Trophy Hall: a new section where you can see your most valuable deals and keep your very own collection of items
- My Home: a new section where you can manage your own house, vehicle and landscape to create the home of your dreams
- New employee: you can hire among 10 different types of employees, including the brand new bouncer, each one with his own unique abilities
- Auctions improvements: auctions are now visually great, more challenging and quicker to play. Selling auction has now its own animation
- Difficulty level: if you find the game too easy or too hard 😉
- Improved game statistics: to get a clearer view of your current situation
- 50+ game achievements: will you be able to unlock them all?
- Multiple saves: now you can keep up to 3 games at the same time
- New localizations: we now support English, German, Spanish, Turkish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Korean and Thai!
We really hope you’ll like all these new features! Let us know what you think in Dealer’s Life Discord server, we’d love to hear your feedback!
And if you like the game, please consider writing a review, these can help a lot in spreading the word about Dealer’s Life 2!
Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment