Dealer’s Life 2 – Update #36: International Items

Hello and welcome to all Great Dealers!

Today we are happy to announce the release of the new Update #36

 Community Feedback: we highlight improvements that are based on community feedback or suggestions. We look forward to your feedback on our Discord server.

Update #36

  • Item Pack #25: a total of 22 brand new items representing Korea, Thailand & France!
  •  Difficulties tooltip: explains the differences between the different difficulties and mentions that achievements are disabled on “easy”
  •  Insight boosted: allowing you to see more customer traits on average in the late game
  • Achievement localization: achievements have now been localized into all existing languages
  • Disable task request button when no cash available: it is no longer possible to go into negative balance when starting a task. For example if you have 1000$ and the Restorer task costs 2000$ you won’t be able to go negative cash now
  •  French text fixes

That’s all for today, let us know what you think in the comments. And if you like the game, please consider writing a review, these can help a lot in spreading the word about Dealer’s Life 2! <3

Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment