Dealer’s Life 2 – Update #45: New Stamp

Hello and welcome to all Great Dealers!
We are mind-blown to report that Dealer’s Life 2 has now sold over 350k units!!!

Today we are happy to announce the release of the new Update #45

 Community Feedback: all improvements that we have implemented with this update are based on community feedback or suggestions. We look forward to your feedback in our Steam Community Hub or on our Discord server.

Update #45

  •  New “Very good condition” stamp: saves you the hassle of having to click on all the items each day to see what needs to be repaired.
  •  We recently fixed a bug that caused players to get paid $1 when buying an item. Thanks to gingyzhere from our Discord for discovering this!
  • Xmas theme: from now until 5th January 2023 festive decorations will await you!
  • New daily tip: did you know you can click on the price if it’s blue underlined to match the offer?

That’s all for today, let us know what you think in the comments. And if you like the game, please consider writing a review, these can help a lot in spreading the word about Dealer’s Life 2! <3

Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment