Meanwhile inside Abyte headquarters…

Hi there! Those were some very busy days filled with news and events, I am sorry if we were a bit missing but hey, let’s recap everything that happened! Of course the first bad news was the unsuccessful end of our Kickstarter campaign. We kind of saw it coming, I think the main issue here … Continue reading Meanwhile inside Abyte headquarters…

Dealer’s Life updated: version A:0.33

We have a new version of Dealer's Life so a Google Play update notification is going to reach our testers! Let's see the change log: Added new appearance (and name!) for every rentable shop New notebook section with informations about current shop and ongoing events Optimized dynamical placement of inventory items on shops shelves Better … Continue reading Dealer’s Life updated: version A:0.33

Our testimonials!

In those days a lot of people are talking about Dealer's Life and the new version with a LOT of graphical improvements and a new UI. We are still busy preparing this new release and taking screenshots but here you will soon see these improvements for yourself. In the meanwhile you can see the following … Continue reading Our testimonials!


Wow, another full time immersion in the magical world of shapes and colors has just passed like an hurricane! It's been a day and a half, this time. I feel a little less tired than that “customers rendering” time but that's just because now it was actually simpler… Anyway, what a change!! Now customers can … Continue reading Animations!

Hello World #2

As Fiz said, now that we are live on Kickstarter it’s time to introduce us and greet all new visitors coming here. So… Hi there! 🙂 I am Giulio Marra, or Tanek for everyone who knows me online, and I am the lead developer, project manager and algorithm mastermind of Dealer’s Life. I will be the … Continue reading Hello World #2

Hello World

Now that our Kickstarter project has begun, it’s time to say a new and big HELLO to all new visitors coming here! Time to better introduce myself, I suppose... Well well, where to begin? Hi! I’m Federico Palombini, but people call me Fiz or Faso. I’m the lead designer/storyteller and programmer of Dealer’s Life! Together … Continue reading Hello World

Dealer’s Life is now live on Kickstarter!

Our game is now available on Kickstarter! Check it out and spread the word! A big thank you to all our friends and testers who helped us (and are still helping) since our Alpha version launch, another update is on the way for you in a few hours. 🙂 We are unbelievably happy … Continue reading Dealer’s Life is now live on Kickstarter!