What a first week it has been! We wanted to say another THANK YOU to everyone who has played, recommended, and made content about Dealer’s Life Legend! It’s truly humbling for the whole team and has filled us with joy!
We’ve been getting a lot of feedback here on Steam and our Discord, and we’re incredibly grateful for it! This isn’t our first rodeo launching a game into early access, so we know we have a big job ahead and we’re incredibly thankful to have a community so full of ideas.
Here are some features in the first content patch which has just dropped!
💎 Community Feedback: we highlight improvements that are based on community feedback or suggestions. We look forward to your feedback in our Steam Community Hub or Discord server.

- Alchemic Tower: A new building that you may have spotted in the towns you visit is opening its doors! It will allow you to order potions without needing a companion to craft them.
- Item Pack: We’re pleased to be adding so soon after the launch over 100 new items that you’ll be able to buy and sell with customers which take the total over 550 – including runic maps, glittered sandals and staffs of all kinds!
- 💎 Optimisation round #1: We fixed the 60fps lock that a Unity update had broken.
- 💎 Chinese localization improvements: Minor fixes from our translator, let us know if you spot any other areas for improvements!
Quality of Life
- 💎 Quest improvements: Quest Difficulty is now shown before starting a quest, and quest generation is now dependent on your progress, which should make them more balanced as you go through your playthrough.
- 💎 Numpad Enter keybind: For all you numpad users, you can now use ‘Enter’ for keybinding.

Future Roadmap
We also wanted to tease a few things we’re already working on based on your feedback that will be coming at a later (but not far away) date.
The Arena: Send your companions to the arena and have them battle and earn rewards!
City Events: Events will no longer only happen as you travel! They can pop up in towns and cities as well!
Investments: Currently, you can take out a loan at the bank, but we also plan to have investments available where you can store your money and watch it (hopefully) grow!
Customer & Item Packs: We’ll continue to add to the customer and character variation and provide brand-new items and gear to deal!
These will also accompany Steam Achievements, your Item Catalogue and Trophy Hall and a number of quality of life upgrades, like New Localisations (French, Russian and Italian) and New Difficulty Settings. We are always taking your feedback into account so there will be many of these quality of life updates based on what the community suggests! Thank you for your support – please keep having fun and sharing your feedback with us!
We’re so excited to go on this journey together, and this update and roadmap is just the beginning.
Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment