Dealer’s Life 2 Now Available in Early Access! 🎉

Welcome to all Great Dealers around the world!

It is a great pleasure and honor for us to announce that we just released Dealer’s Life 2 in Early Access!

If you own Dealer’s Life 1 there is a bundle available to get an additional 10% off! 🤯

We worked very hard for months, with days and nights spent to design and code all the new features and improvements! For all the new players, here’s a recap on what are Dealer’s Life 2 main features:

  • The most technically advanced negotiation engine you’ve ever seen
  • A myriad of items to buy and sell with fake and counterfeit items to avoid (or exploit!)
  • Infinite customers to haggle with, each with their own personality and appearance
  • Hire employees to help you with your job: search for the best experts, restorers, profilers, analysts, clerks and many others.
  • Auctions! For times when you crave a little bit of extra adrenaline… aaand SOLD!
  • Lots of humour and quotes from cult movies and videogames

And, for all the players that already know us, here’s a recap on Dealer’s Life 2’s main features:

  • Graphics! The new style is so amazing that you’ll want to have a wallpaper for your desktop! Spoiler Alert: there are 6 of them in our “Support the dev” DLC!
  • New Encounters! We started by removing all the old random events, we rewrote from scratch a lot of new encounters which means that now everything has choices! Of course even more encounters will be developed during Early Access, for example Plot encounters that will help you immerse into the world of Dealer’s Life 2 and Quest encounters.
  • Auctions! We improved Buying and Storage auctions and we took Selling Auctions to a whole new level with the possibility of watching the Auction in real-time!
  • Pawner customer! Being a pawn shop, you can now accept pawned items and provide pawn loans! Will the customer pay back your loan to get his/her item back? Or will the pawn ticket expire and make you the new owner of the item?
  • The Bouncer employee! He’s a though guy and he’ll help you keep customers calm and patient. He will also help you in resolving a lot of pesky encounters.
  • 10 Avatars to choose from, new shops to rent and much more!

Here’s a “before and after” GIF to remind you how much the graphic quality has been improved!

We hope you are as excited as we are, let us know what you think in the comments or on Dealer’s Life Discord Server!
And don’t forget to write a review if you like the game! 🙂

Your friendly indie devs,
Abyte Entertainment